Monday, January 31, 2011

Tug of War for Degree

Every dog has its day
My day will come soon
Why should I feel jealous with the people ahead of me
To whom Allah gave the respect
Who am I to decide that he deserve not

The above Shayri (in picture)is not my creation. It is totally inspired from Shayri of Hassan Nisar (Pakistani Columinist)
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aibeginners said...

haha.. gud 1...

aibeginners said...

haha.. gud 1...

Anonymous said...

Oh Well!! Good Luck next time!!


Unknown said...

@dhiraj thks

@mannat thks for the wishes

DuDo said...

Nice one man!

Infact i loved many of your posts.. Will surly check this space regularly!!!

Keep Blogging


Unknown said...

@DuDo thks man really thks for such kind words. well my blog is very less fiction its all about whts happening in my own life.
thks again.

S.A.L. said...

Couldn't get what's written in Hindi! :S

"Every dog has it's day"- waiting for mine! :D

The best part of this poetry is it actually gives a ray of hope as well as tactfully tells you not to get jealous of others! :D

Unknown said...

well i translate too in english but update it only in facebook not in blog. When i want to speak my heart i prefer mother tongue Hindi. Its English is
On a way to degree road
I slipped again
One more attempt
Simply drives away
its all about self motivation which is the most difficult thing esp when it comes to education. i slipped again from last stairs. The pyramid tell d same.
Thks for liking the article.i glad.

akrimony said...

Hi..I somehow have comment notifications of your blog turned on and I keep getting notifications when anyone on your blog comments. Please can you unsubscribe my mail address? I am unable to do so.

my mail is: and my gmail id is: akrimony.


Unknown said...

i changed d setting i hope u will not get stupid blog updates. if still receive tell me again.

Anonymous said...

haa haa nice one dude.........

better luck next time

Unknown said...

thks looking ahead